Kate, a young woman in a small North Carolina town, comes into possession of a magical book that links her to the alternate world of Glenraven. Four denizens of that world, only one really human in appearance, arrive in her front yard. Kate kills the monster pursuing them, then learns that both Earth and Glenraven are in danger and must unite against the enemy. The Glenraven exiles help Kate defeat local thugs who attack because of her Wiccan religion; at the same time, she and Rhiana, the most human of the visitors, explore her latent magical talents.
quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010
Glenraven II - In the Rift
Kate, a young woman in a small North Carolina town, comes into possession of a magical book that links her to the alternate world of Glenraven. Four denizens of that world, only one really human in appearance, arrive in her front yard. Kate kills the monster pursuing them, then learns that both Earth and Glenraven are in danger and must unite against the enemy. The Glenraven exiles help Kate defeat local thugs who attack because of her Wiccan religion; at the same time, she and Rhiana, the most human of the visitors, explore her latent magical talents.
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